April 1st, 2024

Dearest Diary,

I have decided to give Toby away.

April Fools!!!

I wouldn’t do that!!! Toby is here to stay. The weirdest thing is since having him in my life I feel that I have a purpose. Turns out responsibility is kind of effective! On the 8th I am having my tumor removed. Also happens to be when this “Total sola eclipse” is happening and everyone is traveling from all around to see it in the United States. I’m not too worried about it. That stuff is super cool, don’t get me wrong, but maybe my life is exciting enough as it is and that is why most things don’t seem thrilling to me. So, something that has been bouncing around in my head for … well years now, Religion. I know that is a super controversial subject so its terrifying talking to anyone about it, which is why I’m just talking to myself. I wonder if my therapist will ask to read these, hopefully not! But Ya, maybe my religion can be just me and God and I don’t have to reach out to anyone to learn, they say its all about the personal relationship that you have anyway. What is making me think more into it lately is from that dream that keeps circling my brain, every time I think about it, the feelings come flooding back and I wonder what it would be like to have a family, and if it’s even possible for me. When I ask those questions, religion keeps popping up in my mind, so I am going to assume that is the path I should investigate. That dream felt so real and spiritual, I cannot just ignore it.
