Dear Diary,
I have been to four different funerals this week… That is four different families all weeping and crying from four different human beings’ lives being lost forever. So many hugs and tears and I feel completely hallow inside. My place of work has been shut down and I’m not sure if it’s going to open again. My bills are already starting to pile up and I need to think of my next steps fast. I suffer from depression and anxiety, so I am not ok right now. I also only have myself to count on. Watching romance movies and all those Christmas movies during December that everyone gets all gushy over have always just aided in my depression. “It must be nice to have someone to count on.” That would be the regular thought that would dance through my head. I have two days till my biopsy now and at this point I just feel numb. Whatever happens, happens.
Last night I was sitting outside of my apartment, and I heard what sounded like a baby crying. This made me super nervous because you always hear that is how the cartel gets you to come check it out and then they take you away! Then, right when I was about to run inside, I seen a little black puff ball bouncing near the bushes! It was a small kitten, so small it could fit in the palm of my hand! Little feller had leaves and dirt all stuck in his fur, so skinny and alone, so I took him inside, bathed him and gave him some tuna. I will keep him till I find a home for him. I know I’m in no state of mind to keep a kitten, I can hardly take care of myself.
– Rose-